Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wholy holes Batman

I have learned that fan cooling is important so that the filament doesn't stay soft and deform after being laid. Above you can see uneven extrusion and 3 holes toward the bottom where you see the brighter patches. Above the dark patch there is another wide hole. I think that the thin spots (voids, holes, whatever) may be due to lack of extrusion rather than any other factor. I figure that since there are sections that have good extrusion, I have to imagine when I see the thin stretches, where there is a tiny thread of filament, that the filament was simply stretched from sufficient extrusion to sufficient extrusion, leaving the thin thread that I see. Hard to see that kind of detail in the picture, but you can see the uneven nature and the appearances of voids. So I hobbed a spare 8mm bolt I had and will see what happens now. I found a new technique slightly different from what I used, that is easier, so am including the link: If I need to do it again I will use this method in that the washers give you someting to rest against for pressure rather than trying to hold the drill steady.

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